Presentations & Recordings

Innovation 5.0: Open Translation Environment for materials and manufacturing value chains

March 15-16, 2022 / virtual event


In the first open workshop of our project, we introduce you to the concept of OntoTrans, an ontology-based Open Translation Environment and how this can enable you to represent your manufacturing process challenges in a standard ontological form. 

You will learn that this allows you to connect your challenges with relevant information sources and materials modelling solutions, and give you access to a holistic approach to support optimal materials and process design. 

After this workshop who will know more about what is under the hood of OntoTrans, get a glimpse into our Open Innovation Framework, i.e., with who we cooperate and finally you will see some development of OntoTrans as it moves from blue print to real life.


manufacturing process challenges in a standard ontological form as technical and business Innovation Cases (UC)


innovation cases with existing appropriate information sources i.e. available data and materials modelling solutions

OntoTrans Project Session

We will introduce the persona of a Translator and how they will experience the OTE. Ontologies play big role and we invite you to follow the process from Innovation Case via conceptualisation to ontology. 

Parts of the OntoTrans Software Environment will be presented and give you an insight into the underlying technology.

OntoTrans Collaboration Session

OntoTrans is part of a range of projects and initiatives developing Enablers for more effective and efficient development of novel materials and products. These Enablers include better materials models, digital marketplaces, open innovation platforms and test beds. 

The workshop will form part of a series of interactions that foster collaboration and support building an interconnected ecosystem for industrial impact.

Confirmed projects: 

OntoTrans Demonstration Session

We will demonstrate certain functionalities of OntoTrans and give insight into what users may expect in the near future.
Moderation by HEREON (DE)
Powered by SINTEF (NO), UNIBO (IT), TU Wien (AT)


March 15, 2022       OntoTrans Project Session
March 16, 2022       OntoTrans Collaboration Session
                                  OntoTrans Demonstration Session
Timezone - CET


Presentations & Recordings

TitlePresenterSession / TalkCategoryDay
Intro: Setting the SceneNadja Adamovic (Coordinator, TU Wien, AT) and Gerhard Goldbeck (GCL, UK)S1.1-PROPresentationDay 1
Translating innovation challenges: the OntoTrans approachMichael Noeske (Fraunhofer IFAM, DE)S1.2-PROPresentationDay 1
Ontology of innovation cases: approach and process from Innovation Case via Conceptualisation to OntologyEmanuele Ghedini (UNIBO, IT)S1.3-PROPresentationDay 1
OntoKB: Translation Knowledge BaseLuca Foschini (UNIBO, IT)S2.1-PROPresentationDay 1
Connecting things: OTEAPI and OTELibJesper Friis (SINTEF, NO)S2.2-PROPresentationDay 1
Translator toolsFlorina Piroi (TU Wien ISE, AT)S2.3-PROPresentationDay 1
Application cases: the view of the translatorVinicius Carrillo Beber (Fraunhofer IFAM, DE)S3.1-PROPresentationDay 1
OntoTrans benefits for IndustryAlexandra Simperler (GCL, UK), Lucy Bull (COMPEVO, UK), Diego Diaz (AMIII, ES), Oreste Todini (PGBS, BE)S3.2-PROPresentationDay 1
OntoCommonsHedi Karray (ENIT, FR)S4.1-COLPresentationDay 2
DOME 4.0Amit Bhave (CMCL, UK)S4.2-COLPresentationDay 2
OpenModelFrancesca L. Bleken (SINTEF, NO)S4.3-COLPresentationDay 2
VIPCOATNatalia Konchakova (HEREON, DE), Peter Klein (Fraunhofer ITWM, DE)S4.4-COLPresentationDay 2
MUSICODEElefterios Lidorikis (University of Ioannina, GR)S4.5-COLPresentationDay 2
NanoMECommonsCostas Charitidis (NTUA, GR)S5.1-COLPresentationDay 2
OYSTERMarco Sebastiani (Uni Roma TRE, IT)S5.2-COLPresentationDay 2
TEESMATCyril Marino (SERMA Group, FR)S5.3-COLPresentationDay 2
CHARISMARaquel Portela Rodriguez (CSIC, ES)S5.4-COLPresentationDay 2
EASI-STRESSNikolaj Zangenberg (Teknologisk, DK)S5.5-COLPresentationDay 2
MarketPlaceDirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM, DE)S5.6-COLPresentationDay 2
VIMMPDaniele Marchisio (POLITO, IT)S5.7-COLPresentationDay 2

DEMONSTRATION - Session powered by SINTEF (NO), UNIBO (IT), TU Wien (AT)

Moderation Natalia Konchakova (Hereon, DE)S6.1-DEMPresentationDay 2
PROJECT Session 1 - RecordingsA. Adamovic, G. Goldbeck, M. Noeske, E. GhediniS1.0-PRORecordingDay 1
PROJECT Session 2 - RecordingsL. Foschini, J. Friis, F. PiroiS2.0-PRORecordingDay 1
PROJECT Session 3 - RecordingsV. C. Beber, A. Simperler, L. Bull, D. Diaz, O. TodiniS3.0-PRORecordingDay 1
COLLABORATION Session 4 - RecordingsOntoCommons, Dome 4.0, Open Model, VIPCOAT, MUSICODES4.0-COLRecordingDay 2
COLLABORATION Session 5 - RecordingsNanoMECommons, OYSTER, TEESMAT, CHARISMA, EASI-STRESS, MarketPlace, VIMMPS5.0-COLRecordingDay 2
DEMONSTRATION Session 6 - RecordingsNatalia Konchakova (HEREON, DE), Michael Noeske (Fraunhofer IFAM, DE), Fajar Ekaputra (TU Wien ISE, AT), Jesper Friis & Casper Andersen (SINTEF, NO), Alessio Mora (UNIBO, IT) and Florina Piroi (TU Wien ISE, AT)S6-DEMRecordingDay 2
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