Semantic Materials Workshop Report

13. May 2024

Semantic data and knowledge management for chemicals and materials industries

A partnership meeting organised by the OntoTrans project

Following the success of the inaugural Semantic Materials Workshop meeting that took place at the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3) on 17 April 2024, a short report on the findings from the day has been published. The report covers the need for efficient data management and exchange within materials science, the barriers and benefits of adopting semantic technologies, and directions for the future.

Developing Ontologies in Materials Science

A report has been written by Vikki Cantrill, Anne de Baas, Otello Roscioni, and Gerhard Goldbeck.

A version of record of this work is available here.

To read more about the events and presentations from the day click here, or click here to see photos from this event.

Acknowledgement: This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 862136 (OntoTrans)

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