Open Translation Environment – OTE

29. December 2020

What is OTE?

Our planed Open Translation Environment – OTE will be one coherent and seamless software system for optimised development of novel materials and products. It will support the whole translation process by an ontological representation of an innovation case, which it will connect to existing data sources. It will recommend materials modelling workflows and support simulation and validation activities. It will deliver interpreted results that enables improved decision-making.

Who will use OTE?

The OntoTrans System components can be put together by a Translator who becomes a solution architect and provides company internal installations, interfacing to solutions for Open Simulation Platforms, Search, Data modelling/analytics etc. as required. We also envisage integration with the European Materials modelling Marketplaces, (VIMMP and MarketPlace) as a more widely accessible OTE.

OTE the future!

OntoTrans OTE will enable translation (including linked data exploration and recommendation) of real and diverse manufacturing challenges and thus, will have a major impact on digitalisation efforts across the materials and manufacturing industry. We expect companies with an openness to digitalisation to readily use our OTE as is can manage both manufacturing, chemicals and materials, processes and properties; thus, our OTE will strengthen their competitiveness and growth opportunities.

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