OntoTrans together with its Project Group focuses on improving industrial data quality, interoperability and traceability through the adoption of ontologies and standards. The project Group includes OntoTrans’ related projects NanoMECommons, OntoCommons, OpenModel, VIPCOAT, OYSTER and ReaxPro.
With the support of the specialised company Trust-IT Services, OntoTrans was able to identify objectives of the Project Group and to start dissemination activities under the cluster it leads. Under the umbrella of the HRB and together with the Project Group, OntoTrans coordinated the OntoTrans Collaboration Session in the First OntoTrans Open Workshop to foster collaboration and support building an interconnected ecosystem for industrial partners.
To complete the activities of the Horizon Results Booster a joint factsheet and a joint video were created. The fact sheet and joint video introduce the Project Group’s common objective: improving manufacturing and materials data quality, interoperability and traceability.