The OntoTrans project is aimed to rapidly bring these advancements in materials modelling standardization and translation into practice, making use also of advancements made by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in semantic knowledge management, using existing formats, tools and approaches to speed up implementation. OntoTrans will make use of:

knowledge formalization by means of a formal ontology expressed in OWL-DL language (the EMMO and dedicated sub-ontologies), to facilitate the use of existing tools for ontology extension, reasoning, compatibility with other existing ontologies

an Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach, exploiting the EMMO formalisation in the OWL-DL language to build a recommendation system (OntoRec) that forms the core upon which the translation environment will be based

RDF triplestore-based database management system (OntoKB) that will be used to store all knowledge (i.e. data with meaning) generated within the OntoTrans project and facilitate the achievement of the H2020 FAIR data management objectives, that will be populated by different means using OntoTrans key components, such as the ESS and the OSPs.