Last in-person Consortium Meeting

25. March 2024

It's a wrap! The OntoTrans project had its last in-person Consortium Meeting for Month 48 in Freiburg, Germany, from 19-20 March 2024.

There was a full programme with presentations from each work package on the successful developments and last open tasks, comments from our External Advisory Board and a tour at the venue of our partner Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM. All partners are content about the great progress and contributions the project has made in data interoperability and semantic knowledge management.

The meeting concluded with a technical discussion on the Open Translation Environment (OTE). Despite the project coming to an end, the motivation of our partners to further develop ontologies in materials science remains high. The outcomes and technologies will be integrated into other EU-funded projects (see OpenModel and MatCHMaker) and we are sure that the partners will meet again!

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